List of TCs addressing nano

The main TCs addressing nanotechnologies are presented hereunder:



CEN/TC 137 Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents

CEN/TC 138 Non-destructive testing

CEN/TC 162 Protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets

CEN/TC 195 Air filters for general air cleaning

CEN/TC 230 Water analysis

CEN/TC 352 Nanotechnologies

CEN/TC 392 Cosmetics



ISO/TC 24/SC4 Particle characterization

ISO/TC 35 Paints and varnishes

ISO/TC 44 Welding and allied processes

ISO/TC 45 Rubber and rubber products

ISO/TC 45/SC 3 Raw materials (including latex) for use in the rubber Industry

ISO/TC 48 Laboratory equipment

ISO/TC 61 Plastics

ISO/TC 94 Personal safety - Protective clothing and equipment

ISO/TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases

ISO/TC 146/SC 2 Air Quality – Workplace Atmospheres

ISO/TC 150 Implants for surgery

ISO/TC 150/SC2 Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems

ISO/TC184/SC4 Industrial automation systems and integration – Industrial data

ISO/TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices

ISO/TC 201 Surface chemical analysis

ISO/TC 201/SC 9 Scanning probe microscopy

ISO/TC 202 Microbeam analysis

ISO/TC 206 Fine ceramics

ISO/TC 207 Environmental Management

ISO/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental Management Systems

ISO/TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments

ISO/TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification

ISO/TC 215 Health informatics

ISO/TC 217 Cosmetics

ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies

ISO/TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders


IEC Technical Committee:

IEC/TC 113 Nanotechnology standardisation for electrical and electronic products and system


ISO Project Committee:

ISO/PC 246 Anti-counterfeiting tools



As an example, you can find here the standards and projects under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC229.

Browsers of standards

ISO online Browsing Platform (OBP)

Individual published Standards, Graphical symbols, Codes and Terms & Definition can be accessed at

CEN browsing tool for published standards

Published standards can be accessed at

Mandate M/461 - Mandate addressed to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI for standardization activities regarding nanotechnologies and nanomaterials

This mandate concerns the elaboration of standardisation deliverables specified in the annex (Methodologies for nanomaterial characterization in the manufactured form and before toxicity and eco-toxicity testing; Sampling and measurement of workplace, consumer and environment exposure; Methods to simulate exposures to nanomaterials…), relating to nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

For more information, you can download the mandate at the following link:

Examples of standards published recently

ISO/TS 12901-2:2014: Nanotechnologies -- Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials -- Part 2: Use of the control banding approach

ISO/TR 16197:2014: Nanotechnologies -- Compilation and description of toxicological screening methods for manufactured nanomaterials

ISO/TS 16550:2014: Nanotechnologies -- Determination of silver nanoparticles potency by release of muramic acid from Staphylococcus aureus

ISO/TS 17200:2013: "Nanotechnology - Nanoparticles in powder form - Characteristics and measurements"

ISO/TS 16195:2013: "Nanotechnologies - Guidance for developing representative test materials consisting of nano-objects in dry powder form"

ISO/TR 13329:2012: "Nanomaterials - Preparation of material safety data sheet (MSDS)"

ISO/TS 14101:2012: "Surface characterization of gold nanoparticles for nanomaterial specific toxicity screening: FT-IR method"