07 Feb 2017 |
NMSA Conference in Malaga - Call for abstracts |
Jointly organized by five major FP7 projects NANOSOLUTIONS, GUIDEnano, SUN, NanoMILE and eNanoMapper, the NMSA conference will take place in Malaga on February 7-9, 2017.
New tools and approaches for nanomaterial safety assessment (NMSA conference)
Jointly organized by five major FP7 projects NANOSOLUTIONS, GUIDEnano, SUN, NanoMILE and eNanoMapper, the NMSA conference will take place in Malaga on February 7-9, 2017. The conference aims at presenting the main results achieved in the course of the projects fostering a discussion about their impact in the nanosafety field and possibilities for future research programmes.
Target audience
The conference welcomes consortium partners from the organizing projects, as well as representatives from other EU projects, industry and government, civil society and media.
Conference highlights
- 10 Scientific Sessions
- 5 Keynote presentations
- Stakeholders workshop
- Over 300 attendees
Conference topics
- Hazard assessment along the life cycle of nano-enabled products
- Exposure assessment along the life cycle of nano-enabled products
- Risk assessment & management
- Systems biology approaches in nanosafety
- Categorization & grouping of nanomaterials
- Nanosafety infrastructure
- Safe by design
Stakeholders workshop
The conference will be wrapped up with a stakeholder workshop which will provide a platform for an open discussion with interested stakeholders that could ultimately guide the research needs that should be addressed in future projects.
Call for abstracts
The Call for Abstract is open until the September 30, 2016.
Conference website: www.nmsaconference.eu

With the support of

17 Nov 2015 |
Webinar - Standardization in Horizon2020 |
On 17 November CEN and CENELEC will host a webinar on the role of standards and how to address standardization in Horizon2020 proposals.
Horizon2020 calls - How to include standardization in your proposal

In Horizon2020 standardization has been recognized as a valuable tool to contribute to innovation and to demonstrate market scale up of research results. Anticipating the Horizon2020 calls, CEN and CENELEC are hosting a webinar to explain what role European standardization plays and how project proposers can address standardization in proposals.
More on the CEN-CENELEC dedicated web page.
Regstrationi: to register your interest please email research@cencenelec.eu - mentioning ‘Horizon2020’ in the subject line. |
10 Jun 2015 |
Nanotech Europe 2015 and EuroNanoForum 2015 |
The EuroNanoForum 2015 will take place on June 10-12, 2015, in Riga, Latvia.
EuroNanoForum 2015
The EuroNanoForum 2015 will take place on June 10-12, 2015, in Riga, Latvia.
The EuroNanoForum 2015 is Europe’s largest networking conference on nanotechnologies and advanced materials science, innovations and business, across all industrial sectors. The Latvian capital of Riga will host the bi-annual conference that is expected to attract more than 1200 visitors from over 50 countries during its three-day programme.
The EuroNanoForum 2015 is a meeting point for industry, science and policy. It enables its participants to explore cutting-edge research, latest innovations and rising companies from all around Europe, provides extensive networking and matchmaking possibilities, and features aspects of upcoming H2020 calls as well as regional and public-private partnerships.
Over the three days, a range of must-see talks, reviewing the status of European technology development in nanotechnologies and advanced materials, will be delivered by the leading minds to complement vast opportunities for doing building partnerships for business and research. Essentially, EuroNanoForum 2015 enables its participants to be in the vanguard to explore cutting-edge research, innovations with an impact, and rising companies from all around Europe. A Brokerage Day helps to find research and business contacts, as well as partners for future EU projects.
Additional details are available at www.euronanoforum2015.eu. To keep up-to-date with announcements and news for EuroNanoForum 2015, follow @ENF2015 on Twitter. |
13 Apr 2015 |
nanoSTAIR at SENN2015 |
nanoSTAIR presented a poster on "paving the way from research to standards in the field of nanosafety: the nanoSTAIR support and pre-normative work" at SENN2015, on 12- 15 April 2015, in Helsinki, Finland.
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) organized an International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies - SENN2015, on 12- 15 April 2015, in Helsinki, Finland.
The goal of the Congress was to:
- examine and discuss safe practices in handling nanomaterials
- to promote nanosafety at work with an emphasis on detection methods, tools and safer production processess
- to improve the understanding of the biological basis of nanosafety
More information about the programme: www.ttl.fi/senn2015 |
30 Mar 2015 |
nanoSTAIR's Practical Guideline for researchers and other parties is now online! |
This practical guideline provides tools and information for researchers, standardization bodies, research funding agencies...
This practical guideline provides tools and information for researchers and other interested parties, showing:
1. How important standardization is to bridge between research activities and the market
2. How standardization can be integrated in the research projects and benefit to them
3. How nanoSTAIR can firmly support standardization in research projects
4. How other parties (standardization bodies, research funding agencies ...) could further help bring researchers to standardization, at European and national level. |
27 Jan 2015 |
Report of CEN's conference on standardization for nanos, 16/12/2014 |
The presentations and the posters shown during the "European conference on nanotechnology and nanomaterials: opportunities and challenges" as well as the conclusions are now available.
10 Dec 2014 |
nanoSTAIR at the FP7 Review meeting |
A unique review of the European NanoSafety research and knowledge: current state, perspectives, impacts, by the leaders in the field, coordinators of FP7 projects and Chairmen of the NanoSafety cluster working groups.
On 10-11.12.2014, the DG Research and Innovation and the NanoSafety cluster (NSC) organized a review of the FP7 NanoSafety research and especially its results and their impacts.
The coordinators of current and recent FP7 projects and the Chairmen of the 8 NSC working groups shared their vision in their respective fields of activities. The following issues were discussed:
- Nanomaterial identification and classification
- Detection and characterization of ENM in complex matrices
- Exposures, transformation and life cycle
- Hazard mechanisms, biokinetics, and vulnerable populations
- Risk prediction and management tools
Around the knowledge, impacts:
- Infrastructures, equipment, techniques and standardization
- EU Networking and community building
- International Cooperation
- Skills, training, education
- User Committees, Responsible Research and Innovation
- Dissemination (publications, patents, staff exchange, workshops, conferences, open public activities)
- Regulatory research
- Industry and Market impact
- Newly identified challenges and issues. Future issues
The agenda, notes and presentations from the meeting can be found here.
nanoSTAIR contributed with a presentation: Towards full integration of standarization in the projects.
01 Dec 2014 |
6th NRW Nano-Conference |
The NRW Nano-Conference will take place on December 1-2, 2014 in Dortmund, Germany.
6th NRW Nano-Conference
The NRW Nano-Conference will take place on December 1-2, 2014 in Dortmund, Germany.
Guests from business, science and politics are welcome to participate an enriching and interdisciplinary dialogue about the opportunities, risks and potential of nanotechnology.
The NRW Nano-Conference in Dortmund offers two days of technical presentations about current trends in nanotechnology by top speakers from companies and research institutes. Furthermore, companies will present their latest technology developments and products at the accompanying exhibition. The organizers expect round about 600 international participants.
For the first time, this year the NRW Nano-Conference offers a "Call for Presentations". Interested persons who are enthusiastic about future technologies and new insights of nanotechnology, have the opportunity to present their projects and ideas at the event.
The NRW Nano-Conference is organized by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Cluster NanoMicroMaterialsPhotonics.NRW and the Economic Development Agency.
Call for Presentations
Call for Presentations:
To submit your presentation/topic, please use this template within the online form Submit a presentation.
Application deadline: June 30, 2014 |
26 Nov 2014 |
NanotechItaly 2014 |
NanotechItaly 2014 will take place in Venice (Italy) on November 26-28, 2014.

NanotechItaly 2014 will take place in Venice (Italy) on November 26-28, 2014.
NanotechItaly 2014 will showcase how nanotechnologies, together with the other KETs, can sustain a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) assuring a competitive advantages to a variety of industries, relevant to EU and National economy.
The seventh edition topics of NanotechItaly2014 are:
- Biomedical engineering: medical devices, robotics, biomaterials, scaffolding, bio-nano interfaces and coatings (e.g. antibacterial), bionano sensors
- Nanomedicine for advanced medical devices and treatments: diagnostic and and drug delivery
- Cognitive diseases: biosystems and biomaterials, monitoring and sensing devices (e.g. MEM-devices), imaging, modelling approaches.
- Active Assisted Living (AAL): technologies for assistance, physical prevention, rehabilitation and social inclusion, fixed and mobile (werable) sensors, human machine interfaces, robotics.
- Substitution of critical raw materials
- Functional and structural materials, thin films for characteristics/performances driven innovation (e.g. in transportation, energy, textiles, packaging, etc.)
- Nanomaterials and nanofabrication for automation/mechatronics
- Additive manufacturing
- Metrology: analysis, traceability and characterization
- Bio-specialities, bio-based materials, bio fuels, chemicals and other bio-based products
- Micro-nano materials and systems
- Detectors, energy harvesting systems, RF devices, robotics, miniaturized satellites
- Space applications and their spill over on civilian products
More information and registration at: http://www.nanotechitaly.it/
20 Nov 2014 |
Meet nanoSTAIR at NANOSAFE 2014 |
On 20/11 afternoon in Grenoble, nanoSTAIR will present pre-normative activities within research project that pave the way to standardisation of results.

The Fourth International Conference NANOSAFE 2014 will be held on November 18-20, 2014 in MINATEC, Grenoble, France .
- New applications of nanomaterials
- Exposure
- Detection and characterization
- Toxicology
- Environemental interactions of nanomaterials
- Nanomaterials release
- Industrial production and prevention
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Regulation and standardization
- Commercial equipment
- Risk management
- Nanoresponsible development
- The three-day programme for this conference will include:
- Invited plenary lectures
- G. Oberdörster (U. ROCHESTER), D. Pui (U. MINNESOTA), D. Brouwer (TNO), D. Bernard (CEA, FR), L. Charlet (UJF, FR), E. Gaffet (CNRS, FR)
- Selected oral contributions
- Posters sessions
- Panel discussions: Responsible development/ Emergent risk management/Toxicology
- Exhibition of equipment related to safe production and use of nanomaterials
- Satellite meeting : for any information, please contact the organizers at: nanosafe2014@cea.fr
Call for papers
All accepted abstracts will be submitted online and published in a "Book of Abstract"
Papers will be presented in oral and poster sessions
Full paper will be published after their review in an open access journal.
Oral presentations will be available on the conference website
More information on the NANOSAFE website. |
17 Nov 2014 |
2nd Marine NanoEcoSafety Workshop (MANET) |
The 2nd Marine NanoEcoSafety Workshop (MANET) will be held in Palermo, Italy, on November 17-18, 2014. The first deadline for submission of Abstracts is September 15th, 2014.
2nd Marine NanoEcoSafety Workshop (MANET)
The 2nd Marine NanoEcoSafety Workshop (MANET) will be held in Palermo, Italy, on November 17-18, 2014. The first deadline for submission of Abstracts is September 15th, 2014.
The 2nd MANET is open to all researchers from Academia and Industry as well as stakeholders interested in the area of Marine EcoSafety of Nanomaterials (NM) and offers a unique opportunity to discuss the state of the art and future challenges of this emerging research area.
On the occasion of the 2nd MANET workshop, we are particularly proud to present a list of eminent plenary speakers:
Laura Canesi - University of Genoa, Genoa (Italy)
Gary N. Cherr - University of California, Davis (USA)
Richard D. Handy - Plymouth University, Plymouth (UK)
Heather Leslie - Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (NL)
Parallel sessions will be organized on the following topics:
NM interactions at marine ecosystem level
NM fate and behavior in salt water
NM mechanisms of toxicity
Model/target marine organisms from invertebrates to fish
Nano frontiers in the marine environment: from nanoplastics in marine litter to nanoremediation
Scientific Organisers
Chairs of the EU NanoSafety Cluster - Marine Ecotox Focus Group: Ilaria Corsi and Valeria Matranga
For more information, visit: http://bimat2014.azuleon.org/welcome_w.php
The first deadline for submission of Abstracts is September 15th, 2014. |
10 Nov 2014 |
NIVA Education - Safety and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterial (ENM) |
NIVA Education will organize a course on "Safety and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM)" on November 10-12, 2014, in Copenhagen.
Safety and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterial (ENM)
NIVA Education will organize a course on "Safety and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM)" on November 10-12, 2014, in Copenhagen.
The main goal of the course is to provide the participants with information that allows them to understand key-issues related to ENM. More specifically, the purpose is to introduce the current knowledge about the characteristics of ENM, exposure to the material and their health effects and also about the challenges of risk assessment and risk management concerning ENM at workplaces.
Main Topics
- Characteristics of ENM
- Exposure to ENM
- Health effects of ENM
- Risk assessment of ENM
- Risk management of ENM
Course leader:
Professor Kai Savolainen, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
Professor Ulla Birgitte Vogel, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
Target group: Students, scientists and experts in the field as well as regulators, decision makers and social partners
Course fee: EUR 300 (excludes accommodation & meals)
Registration Deadline: 30 September 2014
Event website: http://www.niva.org/start/view-54553-84?offset-54553=20 |
30 Oct 2014 |
The European Conference "Standards: your innnovation bridge" will take place in Brussels on October 30, 2014.

Ever wondered what standardization and innovation have in common ?
Innovation, and the capacity to develop and market innovative products and services, is vital for boosting Europe’s economic competitiveness.
This European Conference will offer you the opportunity to engage with leading experts on innovation and standardization issues to discuss, challenge and learn how standardization can enhance the impact of innovation in Europe.
Why attend? To discuss :
- How do standards support innovation and competitiveness ?
- How can standardization facilitate the dissemination of knowledge ?
- How can standards bridge the gap between innovation and the market ?
- How can standardization contribute to the success of Horizon 2020 ?
The programme is about to be finalyzed, but you can already register your interest by sending
This conference will take place at the Square-Brussels Meeting Centre.
08 Oct 2014 |
Nanosafety Forum for young scientists |
The NanoSafety Cluster is hosting a “Nanosafety Forum for Young Scientists”.

Nanosafety Forum
for young scientists
The NanoSafety Cluster is hosting a “Nanosafety Forum for Young Scientists”. The event will take place in Syracuse, Sicily on October 8-9, 2014, complemented by opportunities to meet experts and senior scientists. Prior to the Forum for young scientists the NSC meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th.
Nanosafety Cluster and MODENA COST action jointly organize a scientific conference focusing on presentations of young scientists working in EU-funded nanosafety projects.
The event is an open Forum for scientists in the nanosafety research field including scientific sessions with oral presentations from the young scientists and forward looking keynotes from established senior investigators. The goal is to exchange scientific information and visions and to enable young and senior scientists to learn to know each other.
The presentations will be selected by the scientific programme committee from the submitted abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be presented in the plenary oral sessions. A brief abstract (max 250 words) should be sent to NSCForum@ttl.fi before 15 June 2014.
The number of the participants is limited to 100, on a first come, first served basis.
More information at: http://www.nanosafetycluster.eu/NSCForum2014 |
29 Sep 2014 |
LET’S 2014 Conference on Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Processing |
The Let's 2014 conference will take place in Bologna on September 29 - October 1st, 2014.
LET’S 2014 Conference on Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Processing
A major event organised in the context of the Italian Presidency of the European Union in the fields of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Processing under the High Patronage of the European Parliament and of the President of the Italian Republic.
Through five thematic tracks, the programme will explore the synergies among different industrial and scientific sectors and the ways policymakers at all levels, educational systems, finance players could give to sustain the Industrial Renaissance of Europe and its economy. How can the Key Enabling technologies address the Societal Challenges in a vision toward a new European Renaissance?
International speakers from different domains will participate demonstrating how a new European Renaissance is already happening today and how to put a vision toward a new Renaissance into practice. Some example:
- From the institutions: Rudolf Strohmeier (Deputy Director General, DG Research and Innovation, EC), Clara de la Torre (Director Directorate D - Key Enabling Technologies, DG Research & Innovation, EC), Stefania Bernabé (World Trade Organisation, WTO), ), etc…
- From Industries: INTEL, NOVARTIS, PHILIPS, etc …
- Representatives from Research Centres such as the European Institute of Innovation and Technology- EIT, ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste, Politecnico di Milano, European Molecular Biology Laboratory -EMBL, National Research Council of Italy - CNR, Italian Institute of Technology - IIT, Fraunhofer, etc …
- Representatives from world of finance will also attend the event expressing their point of
view such as Laura Piovesan (European Investment Bank).
More information at http://www.lets2014.eu/ |
05 Jul 2014 |
Survey of Tools for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials under Development in EU and US Research Projects |
The EU FP7 project MARINA seeks to review the state-of-art tools for risk assessment of nanotechnologies under development in EU and US research projects.
Survey of Tools for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials under Development in EU and US Research Projects
The EU FP7 project MARINA (http://www.marina-fp7.eu/) seeks to review the state-of-art tools for risk assessment of nanotechnologies under development in EU and US research projects. These include exposure and hazard assessment methods and tools as well as specific "risk approaches".
The deadline for filling in the questionnaire is July 5, 2014. The responses will contribute to the development of a publically available review of tools, which can support the MARINA Strategy for Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials. All responses will be used anonymously, but the project will be acknowledged.
The questionnaire can be filled in for one tool at the time. Multiple questionnaires can be filled in to accommodate more tools. You are also invited to share this link with researchers working with you.
As they develop their work in the coming months, MARINA consortium may contact you and/or your colleagues for additional information. The study will be conducted in accordance with relevant EU legislation and ethical guidelines including The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire, please contact Vrishali Subramanian (vrishali.subramanian@unive.it) or Danail Hristozov (danail.hristozov@unive.it).
Survey Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Z21-j0_wE29DeQAS-toG8y6NKodMTcUkSUNiWTEFy6I/viewform |
10 Mar 2014 |
European Innovation Convention 2014 |
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will host the 2nd Innovation Convention in Brussels on March 10 and 11, 2014.
European Innovation Convention 2014
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will host the 2nd Innovation Convention in Brussels on March 10 and 11, 2014.
Already established as Europe’s leading innovation event, the Convention will bring together a unique gathering of world-class visionaries and innovators, including CEOs from some of Europe's top companies, young innovators and net-entrepreneurs, such as the founders of Prezi and Storify.
It will explore innovation in all its facets and cover a variety of themes with more than 2000 visitors expected to attend to hear a range of speakers including: the CEOs of Telefonica, Jaguar Landrover, Airbus, Bayer, Nokia, Safran Group and Sanofi Aventis, Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche, Professor Athene Donald from Cambridge and Lord Patten from Oxford, among many others.
Join the innovation debate and register for free on the event website: www.ec.europa.eu/euic2014 |
22 Jan 2014 |
nanoSTAIR - Final Conference - Call |
The final conference of the nanoSTAIR project will take place on January 22, 2014, in Brussels.
nanoSTAIR - Final Conference
The final conference of the nanoSTAIR project will take place on January 22, 2014, in Brussels.
During this event, nanoSTAIR will present a the nanoSTAIR check tool that helps researchers to disseminate and exploit the research results with standardization and the nanoSTAIR Practical Guideline.
The draft agenda is available here.
The final conference will be hosted by CEN-CENELEC.
Deadline for registration: January 16, 2014 (Registration link)
Call for paper:
A specific opportunity is given to the partners of QNANO project and the
affiliated to get the support from nanoSTAIR for standardization
activities. In the afternoon of January 22 conference, QNANO partners in
particular will have the possibility to present their intention for
standardization and get a feedback from standardization experts or find
complementary resources to start standardization activities.
Thus, the nanoSTAIR consortium invites researchers to submit a document
that will be analyzed and, if agreed, commented during the final
conference. Researchers will thus receive recommendations useful for the
standardization strategy of their projects. We think that it is a
didactic way to present the tool.
If you are interested to participate in the nanoSTAIR check, you are invited to visit the nanoSTAIR webpage “get support”
to submit a scientific document (scientific article, paper presented in
a conference, deliverable of a project..., min. 10 pages / max. 100
Time schedule:
- January 7, 2013: Deadline to submit a text
- January 22, 2013: Feedback provided during the final conference, in particular for QNANO partners.
If you hav e any question related to standardization and nano, send an email to nanoSTAIR@eu-vri.eu.
19 Dec 2013 |
NanoDefine Project |
The NanoDefine Project – a four-year, large-scale FP7 NSC initiative has now kicked off. Its remit is to establish the measurement tools and scientific data that help to implement the EU recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial
The NanoDefine Project – a four-year, large-scale FP7 NSC initiative has now kicked off. Its remit is to establish the measurement tools and scientific data that help to implement the EU recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial
What is a nanomaterial? NanoDefine finds out.
A 29-partner consortium of top European RTD performers, metrology institutes, and nanomaterials and instrument manufacturers, gathered at a launch meeting in Wageningen, NL, last month to begin the mobilisation of the critical mass of expertise required to establish the measurement tools and scientific data that help to implement the EU recommendation on the definition of a nanomaterial.
We have come a long way in exploring the full potential of nano as a key enabling technology, yet, there are still uncertainties surrounding environment, health and safety (EHS) issues and the questions that need to be addressed: what is or isn’t a nanomaterial. One challenge consists in the development of methods that reliably identify, characterize and measure nanomaterials (NM) both as substance and in various products and matrices. In responses, the European Commission has recently recommended a definition of NM as a reference to determine this (2011/696/EU).
The NanoDefine project will explicitly address this question over the next four years.
Based on a comprehensive evaluation of existing methodologies and a rigorous intra-lab and inter-lab comparison, validated measurement methods and instruments will be developed that are robust, readily implementable, cost-effective and capable to reliably measure the size of particles in the range of 1 - 100 nm, with different shapes, coatings and for the widest possible range of materials, in various complex media and products. Practical case studies will assess their applicability for various sectors, including food/feed, cosmetics etc.
One major outcome of the project will be the establishment of an integrated tiered approach including validated rapid screening methods (tier 1) and validated in depth methods (tier 2), with a user manual to guide end-users, such as manufacturers, regulatory bodies and contract laboratories, to implement the developed methodology.
NanoDefine will closely collaborate with its sister projects in the NanoSafety Cluster (www.nanosafetycluster.eu) as well as engage with international EHS, RTD and metrology initiatives. NanoDefine will also be strongly linked to main standardization bodies, such as CEN, ISO and OECD, by actively participating in Technical Commissions and Working Groups, and by proposing specific ISO/CEN work items, to integrate the developed and validated methodology into the current standardization work.
For more information:
NanoDefine: ‘Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial’ receives funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n°604347 and runs from 1/11/2013 – 31/10/2017
Visit the project website: www.nanodefine.eu
29 Nov 2013 |
EU Brokerage Event on KET in Horizon 2020 |
The German and French National Contact Points (NCP) and Enterprise Europe Network Alsace with the Europe Alsace Network organise a brokerage event with he objectives to present the future framework program dor research and innovation "Horizon 2020.
EU Brokerage Event on KET (Key Enabling Technologies)
in Horizon 2020
The German and French National Contact Points (NCP) and Enterprise Europe Network Alsace with the Europe Alsace Network organise a brokerage event with he objectives to present the future framework program dor research and innovation "Horizon 2020 and the first calls for proposals to be publisched by the end of 2013, for submission in early 2014, and to give the opportunity to build project consortia.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet National Contact Point, others companies and laboratories to exchange during pre-arranged appointments that shall pave the way for future co-operations and European projects.
This Networking event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from whole Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration within the upcoming calls in Horizon 2020.
Main topics
- Nanotechnologies
- Advanced Materials
- Advanced Manufacturing and processing
- Efficient Energy in Building (PPP)
- Factories of the Future (PPP)
- Sustainable process industries (PPP SPIRE)
Societal Challenges addressed
- Personalising health care
- Smart cities and communities
- Low-carbon energy
- Waste as a resource
- Water innovation
Why to participate?
- to get the latest information from the European Commission about Horizon 2020 and next calls
- to facilitate the setup of project consortia
- to present, discuss and develop new project ideas at international level
- to initiate cross-border contacts
Agenda :
- 9:00-10:20 : Plenary session with the participation of the European Commission
- 10:30-13:00 : Parallel workshops with speed participants presentation
- 14:00-17:00 : B2B meetings and exhibition
More details on the agenda: http://www.b2match.eu/kets2014/pages/agenda
Registration: Free of charge but registration is mandatory (registration link: http://www.b2match.eu/kets2014/participants/new
For registration and profile submission: November 7, 2013.
For meetings selection: November 8-20, 2013.
Event website:
17 Sep 2013 |
StandarDays |
CEN & CENELEC organize a training "StandardDays" in Brussels on September 17-18, 2013.
StandarDays gives a clear and structured overview of the European Standardization System, of the CEN and CENELEC products and processes, as well as the benefits of involvement to potential stakeholders.
StandarDays is a two-day information session consisting of an introductory plenary meeting, which explains the different aspects and tasks of CEN and CENELEC (day 1) and interactive, in-depth workshops (day 2). This structure gives participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the overall European Standardization System (day 1) and then take advantage of the CEN and CENELEC expertise to obtain further clarification and explanations (day 2).
StandarDays are aimed at all actors interested in the European standardization system: industry, consumers, administrations and government, European institutions, research centres, national standards institutes, academia etc.
Participation is free of charge. Since there is a limited number of places, registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and will close when the maximum number is reached.
Read the StandarDays Programme (pdf format)
Download the Registration Form (word format) |
16 Sep 2013 |
NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials |
In the framework of the EU Project NanoValid (FP7), the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon are organizing a Training Workshop in Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials, on September 16-20, 2013.
NanoValid Training Workshop on Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials |
In the framework of the EU Project NanoValid (FP7), the University of Zaragoza and the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon are organizing a Training Workshop in Advanced Characterization of Nanomaterials, on September 16-20, 2013.
The workshop presents an introduction to Advanced Characterization Techniques of Nanomaterials, illustrating the necessary steps for the selection and application of different techniques for analyzing nano structured materials of diverse nature. Practical lectures with real devices are envisaged, including advanced microscopy methods and spectroscopic techniques as well as other related procedures in Nanotechnology. The goal of the course is to give an introduction to the analysis methods currently in use in Materials Science, Engineering and Nanotechnology.
The workshop is dedicated to participants interested in nanotechnology and materials science:
- Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers dealing with materials in the nanoscale.
- Technicians interested in general technical background which require a specific training in instrumental analysis.
- Students of master courses in materials sciences, chemical engineering or similar courses
Open poster and oral sessions are also foreseen. Participants are invited to submit their abstracts from April 1st 2013.
More information and registration in the following links:
http://www.qualitynano.eu/news/68/282/NanoValid-Training-Workshop.html |
01 Jul 2013 |
nanoSTAIR deliverable: Snapshot of the needs of the stakeholders and drivers for standardization |
nanoSTAIR published the deliverable on the identification of the needs of the stakeholders and drivers for standardization.
nanoSTAIR deliverable
nanoSTAIR has recently published the deliverable on the identification of the needs of the stakeholders and drivers for standardization.
Deliverable name:
D2.1 Snapshot of the needs of the stakeholders and drivers for standardization
Main authors:
Säämänen Arto, Väänänen Virpi and Ravantti Elina (FIOH)
Executive Summary:
Standardization is one of the most adequate solutions to quickly
capitalize and disseminate knowledge in “reference documents”, and have
it implemented in the industry. It is very important in the field of
nanotechnologies since the production of knowledge is very intensive.
The overall objective of nanoSTAIR project is to build a sustainable
process and platform in the field of nanotechnologies to support the
transfer of knowledge gained through research to documentary standards
in the context of the STAIR approach promoted by CEN-CENELEC.
The present document presents the results of WP 2 task 2.1
“Identification of the needs from various stakeholders at EU and
national level”. It identifies and summarizes the needs and main
drivers of various stakeholder groups for new standards to bridge the
gap between the research objectives and the standardization needs by
facilitating the process of clustering.
To download the deliverable, please click here.
26 Jun 2013 |
2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing |
The 2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (SIM 2013) that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 26 to June 29, 2013.
2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing
The Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, and the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon kindly invite you to participate at the 2nd Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from June 26 to June 29, 2013.
The Conference aims to provide a major international forum for academics, researchers and industrial partners to exchange ideas in the field of sustainable intelligent manufacturing and related topics. The conference expects to foster networking and collaboration among participants to advance the knowledge and identify major trends in the field.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Computer-aided green manufacturing
- Eco-design and eco-innovation
- Design for climate change
- Inclusive design
- e-Manufacturing
- Green manufacturing
- Sustainable construction for the built environment
- Green supply chain management
- Green transportation
- Renewable energy
- Sustainable power engineering and renewable energy technologies
- Reuse, remanufacturing, disassembly and recycling techniques
- Sustainable packaging solutions
- Smart manufacturing
- Reverse logistics and product recovery
- Smart and sustainable materials
- Life-cycle engineering and assessment
- Energy efficiency in manufacturing
- Smart design for sustainability
- Sustainable technology innovation
- Sustainable factory planning and scheduling
- Sustainable business models
- Zero-waste production
- Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings
- Resource Efficient Cities
SIM conference is being organized to be a high quality conference and an outstanding board of Scientific Committee members to ensure a high academic standard of published papers.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline
15 December 2012
Notification of Acceptance
7 January 2013
Full manuscript submission
18 February 2013
Camera ready paper
4 March 2013
Papers will be blind peer-reviewed. Accepted and presented papers will be included in an ISBN conference proceedings book. Selected papers will also be published in special issues from journals.
Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 200-500 words in one or more of the areas identified above, outlining the major content and conclusions. Accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers.
Please submit your abstract at:
If you need any further information, please visit the Conference website at http://sim.ipleiria.pt for detailed information.
24 Jun 2013 |
Public consultation relating to the REACH Annexes on Nanomaterials |
The Commission has launched a public consultation on the options of possible amendment of REACH Annexes for the registration of Nanomaterials.
Public consultation relating to the REACH Annexes on Nanomaterials
The Commission has launched a public consultation on the options of possible amendment of REACH Annexes for the registration of Nanomaterials.
Period of consultation: From 21.06.2013 to 13.09.2013
Objective of the consultation:
The objective of the policy initiative is to ensure further clarity on how nanomaterials are addressed and safety demonstrated in registration dossiers. REACH must ensure a high level of health, safety and environmental protection. At the same time it should permit access to innovative products and promote innovation and competitiveness. The regulatory environment affects time to market, marginal cost structure and allocation of resources, especially for SMEs. It also creates new business opportunities and contributes to consumer and investor confidence in the technology.
Specifically, the policy initiative shall provide clearer REACH requirements for nanomaterials to ensure that industry demonstrates safe use in the registration dossiers in accordance with the aims of REACH Article 1(1) "to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, including the promotion of alternative methods for assessment of hazards of substance, as well as the free circulation of substances on the internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation".
The Commission proposal of possible amendment of the REACH Annexes is foreseen to be made in 2013, and will be accompanied by an Impact Assessment. The objective of this consultation is to provide the Commission with the best possible evidence base for its work with the above tasks.
Further information at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=NanomaterialsREACH |
18 Jun 2013 |
EuroNanoForum 2013 |
EuroNanoForum 2013 will take place 18-20 June 2013 at the Convention Centre Dublin in Ireland.
EuroNanoForum 2013
EuroNanoForum 2013 will take place 18-20 June 2013 at the Convention Centre Dublin in Ireland.
EuroNanoForum 2013 focuses on the commercialisation of nanotechnologies, exploiting its potential for new applications and taking them further from enabling technologies to end products. It will also introduce the industry to new innovations for growth opportunities.
With Horizon2020 beginning in 2014, the conference will also show how nanotechnologies fit into the new structure within Europe’s key priority areas of excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges.
Registration link: http://www.euronanoforum2013.eu/registration/
nanoSTAIR will be present through the participation of project partners, a poster, an overview leaflet and a leaflet on the semantic analysis tool.
10 Jun 2013 |
The OECD Working party on nanotechnology developed a guide for planning outreach and public engagement in nanotechnology.

The OECD Working party on nanotechnology developed a guide for planning outreach and public engagement in nanotechnology.
This guide identifies key issues to be considered by policymakers involved as organisers, commissioners, or funders of public engagement activities in nanotechnology.
16 May 2013 |
CEN -CENNELC Newsletter |
The nanoSTAIR consortium contributed to the newsletter of CEN-CENELEC.
CEN -CENNELC Newsletter
The nanoSTAIR consortium contributed to the newsletter of CEN-CENELEC.
Spring is a time to be optimistic and make plans for the future. CEN and CENELEC have shared ideas with all their members and stakeholders about the future of the European Standardization System. The aim of this exercise is to agree, with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), on a common set of strategic objectives – as well as specific ambitions for CEN and CENELEC leading up to 2020.
nanoSTAIR has contributed to this newsletter.
Link to CEN-CENELEC newsletters: http://www.cencenelec.eu/News/Newsletters/Pages/default.aspx
21 Mar 2013 |
OECD - Current developments in delegations on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials |
OECD has recently published a report on "Current Developments on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials - Tour de Table at the 10th Meeting of the Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials".
11 Feb 2013 |
Liaison with CEN/TC 352 |
The nanoSTAIR consortium has recently established the official liaison with the CEN/TC 352.
Liaison with CEN/TC 352
The nanoSTAIR consortium has recently established the official liaison with the CEN/TC 352.
More information about the CEN/TC 352 "nanotechnologies" can be found here.
15 Nov 2012 |
Nanosafe 2012 |
The NANOSAFE project will organize the next edition of the International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2012 on November 13-15, 2012, in Grenoble (France).
The NANOSAFE project will organize the next edition of the International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2012 on November 13-15, 2012, in Grenoble (France).
Following the successful outcome of the past International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2010 that took place in Grenoble (France), the Organizing Committee has decided that the next edition will take place in MINATEC again in November 2012.
- Exposure assessment
- Detection and identification
- Toxicology
- Environmental interactions
- Nanomaterials release
- Protection technology
- Industrial production
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Ethics and societal issues
- Commercial equipement
- Risk management for OHS experts
- Regulation for nano products: REACH-US
policies on nanoparticles in consumer products
The three-day programme for this conference will comprise:
- Invited plenary lectures:
Oberdörster (U. ROCHESTER), D. Pui (U. MINNESOTA), D. Brouwer (TNO), T.
Nhuyen (NIST), F. Schuster (CEA), B. Nowack (EMPA), R. Muir (NANEUM).
D. Bernard (ARKEMA), J. Rose (CEREGE), C. Engeman (UCSB) A. Grobe (U.
FINANCE AND INDUSTRY), A. Kishimoto (AIST, RISS), C. Emond (U.
MONTREAL), L. Golanski (CEA), O. Witschger (INRS), E. Drais (INRS), P.
SCHULTE (NIOSH/CDC), M. Puolamaa (European Commisssion, Brussels).
- Selected oral contributions
- Posters sessions
- Panel discussions: Governance/ Toxicology/ The opinion of the civil society regarding nanomaterials
- Exhibition of equipments related to safe production and use of nanomaterials
- Satellite meeting:TRIMATEC
Call for papers (Deadline for abstracts: August 30, 2012)
Papers will be presented in oral and poster sessions.
To submit a paper, please go at the following link:
28 Oct 2012 |
SENN2012 – International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies |
The NANODEVICE project partners and FIOH invite you to the "International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies" to be held on 28–31 October 2012 in Helsinki, Finland.

International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies
The NANODEVICE project partners and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health invite you to the "International Congress on Safety of Engineered Nanoparticles and Nanotechnologies" to be held on 28–31 October 2012 in Helsinki, Finland.
The goal of the SENN2012 Congress is to:
- Summarize and share the latest knowledge on the safety of engineered nanomaterials and nano-related technologies
- Produce solutions to the safety challenges related to engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
- Enable commercial opportunities for safe use of these materials and technologies.
The Congress programme consists of further education lectures on 28 Oct, keynote presentations and free communications and an exhibition on 29 to 31 Oct.
See updated programme, all keynote speakers are now confirmed http://www.ttl.fi/senn2012 |
25 Oct 2012 |
EU-US Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts - A Joint Workshop 2012 |
The "EU-U.S. Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts - A Joint Workshop2012" will take place on 25–26 October 2012 in Helsinki.
"EU-U.S. Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts - A Joint Workshop2012"
The "EU-U.S. Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts - A Joint Workshop2012" will take place on 25–26 October 2012 in Helsinki.
The Workshop is organized by the European Union (European Commission / NanoSafety Cluster) and the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), and it is hosted by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (local organizer). The purpose of this second Joint Workshop between the European Union (EU) and the U.S. is to further promote and deepen the EU-U.S. collaboration on nanosafety research. The aim is also to continue developing the Communities of Research (CoR) and to bring them to a concrete level of organization and activity. This Joint Workshop is aimed at administrators and policy makers, decision makers and scientists from the EU and the U.S.
For more information:
Programme and registration:
http://www.ttl.fi/partner/nanoehs_workshop/Sivut/default.aspx |
24 Oct 2012 |
NANOfutures: Integrated Research and Industrial Roadmap for European Nanotechnology |
The NANOfutures project has recently published the Integrated Research and Industrial Roadmap for European Nanotechnology
NANOfutures: Integrated Research and Industrial Roadmap for European Nanotechnology |
The NANOfutures project has recently published the Integrated Research and Industrial Roadmap for European Nanotechnology.
The roadmap focuses on a 7 nano-enabled value chains and the set of target markets and final products. It includes actions to address industrial needs and research and innovation challenges for the successful development of safe and sustainable nano-enabled products aiming to:
- Deliver a focused implementation plan up to 2020 within a longer term horizon of actions (>2025);
- Address European cross-cutting key nodes in terms of cross-sectorial research, technology and innovation issues;
- Cover broad socio-economic challenges to the implementation and commercialisation of sustainable and safe nanotechnology enabled solutions;
- Have a market-driven value chain approach with a set of tech and non-tech actions along the identified value chains.
This roadmap represents an open working document, developed within the European Coordination and Support Action NANOfutures (contract number NMP4-CA-2010-266789). This document will be further developed with all NANOfutures Platform members and other stakeholders from the Nano related Community who would like to contribute. In this sense, an open on-line consultation will be opened soon.
Link for downloading the roadmap:
http://www.nanofutures.info/sites/default/files/NANOfutures_Roadmap%20july%202012_0.pdf |
12 Oct 2012 |
JRC Reference Report - Review of measurement methods for nanoparticle sizing |
The JRC has just released a reference report on the "Requirements on measurements for the implementation of the European Commission definition of the term 'nanomaterial'".
JRC Reference Report - Review of measurement methods for nanoparticle sizing
The JRC (authors Gert Roebben, Francois Rossi, Douglas Gilliland, Neil Gibson, Christoph Klein, Luigi Calzolai and I) has just released a reference report on the "Requirements on measurements for the implementation of the European Commission definition of the term 'nanomaterial'".
A JRC report, published today, presents an in-depth review of methods available to measure the size of nanoparticles. Following the adoption of the definition of the term 'nanomaterial' in October 2011, it identifies relevant measurement methods and key challenges for measuring nanoparticle size in the regulatory context. The report underlines that no single measurement method can be used for all materials to determine if each of them falls within the regulatory definition. Different methods will be required depending on the material under investigation.
The report gives an overview of the capabilities of currently available measurement methods, including techniques such as electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and centrifugal liquid sedimentation, among others. It also identifies measurement issues that remain to be solved.
The conclusions highlight the practical challenges of measuring materials with widely varying properties. None of the currently available methods can determine whether all kinds of potential nanomaterials meet the regulatory definition or not. Therefore, a proper combination of measurement methods is required. The reliability of each of the measurement methods used in such combined, tiered approaches will need to be thoroughly checked in dedicated method validation studies.
Please follow this link to the JRC website containing the press release and the link for downloading the report:
http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=1410&obj_id=15310&dt_code=NWS&lang=en&ori=MOR |
12 Oct 2012 |
NanoTrail: E2835 standard defining Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis |
ASTM published E2835 standard defining Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
NanoTrail: E2835 standard defining Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
In the last NanoTrail, the good news that the American Society for Testing Materials, or ASTM, had published a new standard: E2834 - Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) has been reported on.
The ASTM standard details the application of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) to the measurement of particle size distributions for suspended particles from ~10nm to the onset of sedimentation.
The Standard is available from ASTM at http://www.astm.org/Standards/E2834.htm |
10 Oct 2012 |
Nanodevice : leaflets have been published |
The NANODEVICE project has recently published several leaflets.
19 Jun 2012 |
Industrial Safety and Industrial Technologies 2012 |
The Industrial Technologies 2012 (19-21 June 2012, Aarhus) will take place on June 19-21, 2012, in Aarhus (Denmark). Industrial Technologies 2012, the largest event in the field of industrial technologies (nano, materials and production) will show how innovation can boost European growth and competitiveness.

Industrial Safety and Industrial Technologies 2012
The Industrial Technologies 2012 (19-21 June 2012, Aarhus) will take place on June 19-21, 2012, in Aarhus (Denmark). Industrial Technologies 2012, the largest event in the field of industrial technologies (nano, materials and production) will show how innovation can boost European growth and competitiveness.
Three days of insightful plenaries and conference sessions with over 100 speakers will reveal the impact of industrial technologies and promote solutions to improve the environment for innovation in Europe, including workshops, matchmaking, poster sessions and site visits to leading Danish companies. The highlight of this year’s event will be the Award Gala, where the winner of the Best Project Award will be nominated.
Further details about this event are available here.
To register, please click here (discount price till March 31st, 2012).
Three conference plenaries will invite high profile international speakers from industry, government and research to discuss visions for European research and industry in 2020, how Europe can succeed in the face of global competition, and the form and impact of Horizon 2020.
Over 70 speakers across 18 sessions will reveal the economic and technological impact of industrial technologies, with topics including low emission transportation, integrated systems, improving the environment, energy generation and storage, healthcare and construction. Sessions will also build on the recommendations of the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies to promote practical solutions to improve the environment for industrial innovation in Europe.
Workshops and break-out sessions will look at individual topics in more detail, reflecting the work of individual project clusters or networks and building commitment and momentum for future activities.
A workshop will be dedicated to the SafeFuture initiative.
The Best Project Award 2012
Over 900 projects in the field of Industrial Technologies have been launched under Framework Programmes 5, 6 & 7. Industrial Technologies 2012 will identify and celebrate the very best of these.
The Best Project Award will be given to the project which has had the greatest economic and societal impact, boosting European competitiveness by creating new products and processes.
The ten finalists will be invited to the Industrial Technologies 2012 congress, and will present their project at a prestigious ceremony at the Award Gala. The competition is a unique chance to gain media coverage and visibility for you and your innovation. To apply, please complete the short online application. Please note that the deadline for nominations is extended to 31st of March 2012.
For more information about best project award 2012: http://industrialtechnologies2012.eu/best-project-award
Apply Directly: http://www.kongreskompagniet.dk/abstract-it2012
Note: Please use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox to submit your application.
Over 50 organizations have already confirmed their participation as exhibitor. Take the possibility to showcase and disseminate your project, network with potential project partners for future projects and utilize your booth to coordinate your activities at IndustryTech2012. Also, you will get answers to how Europe’s funding landscape is changing as there will be MEP Da Graca Carvalho speaking, a key figure in Horizon 2020.
For More Information about exibition: http://industrialtechnologies2012.eu/application
Reserve Directly: http://www.kongreskompagniet.dk/indtech2012_exhibitor
24 May 2012 |
Occupational Nanosafety Workshop |
Tecnalia is pleased to announce the Workshop “MANAGING OCCUPATIONAL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH NANOMATERIALS” taking place on 24th May 2012 at Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao (Spain).
Managing occupational risks associated with nanomaterials
Tecnalia is pleased to announce the Workshop “MANAGING OCCUPATIONAL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH NANOMATERIALS” taking place on 24th May 2012 at Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao (Spain).
The Workshop is organised by TECNALIA and the University of the Basque Country in the framework of the 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP2012) and under the umbrella of the European Project SCAFFOLD.
The Workshop focuses on the industrial needs of companies
and aims to provide a practical overview of the results of current
research in the field of management of exposure to nanomaterials. The
ultimate objective of the Workshop is to provide companies a set of
skills that enable them - with the available evidence - proper management of the nano-risks.
The Workshop will include technical presentations
from very well known speakers from the different disciplines involved
in occupational nanosafety (USA, France, Finland, Spain); experiences in industry, a round table with involved stakeholders (Industry, Administration, Prevention Services, Research Organisations, Certification Bodies) and finally, a demonstration session to show equipments and devices for exposure measurement. Due to the international nature of the event, the language of the Workshop will be in English. There will be a simultaneous translation system to facilitate the participation of industry and other interested organizations.
The programme is available here.
For further information and registration, please use the following link:
01 May 2012 |
2012 Edition of the Compendium |
The 2012 edition of the Compendium of the NanoSafety Cluster is now available.

2012 edition of the Compendium
The 2012 edition of the Compendium is now available.
For several years now, the research community has responded by launching very valuable projects under the Sixth Framework Programme FP6 and Seventh Framework Programme FP7, marking significant technological progress both in the technology and in its safety management. About fifty projects are either completed or running and represent a total RTD investment of €137M, from the NMP and other programmes, under FP6 (13 projects, €31M) and FP7 (34 projects, €106M). These projects together with a significant number of projects supported by government resources in the EU member states and the FP7 associated states, and other projects addressing safety as side objective,represent the valuable efforts of the scientific and industrial research community for progress.
Please click on the link below to view the recently published European NanoSafety Cluster Compendium, which contains information on all running or recently completed projects funded under the Seventh Framework Programme FP7. Information on older projects can be found in the previous editions.
European NanoSafety Cluster Compendium 2012
The previous edition (2011) of the compendium is available here.
For further information on FP6 and FP7 programmes please click here. |
30 Dec 2011 |
Risk - we care! - New brochure of EU-VRi and Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies |
EU-VRi and Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies have published a new brochure "Risk - we care®!" containing interesting information, events and projects about the past 10 years of R-Tech and the past 5 years of EU-VRi.
Link for download
EU-VRi and Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies have published a new brochure "Risk - we care®!" containing interesting information, events and projects about the past 10 years of R-Tech and the past 5 years of EU-VRi.
For downloading the brochure please use the following link: http://www.eu-vri.eu/filehandler.ashx?file=9243
30 Nov 2011 |
Involvement of the EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk partners into the first global survey of ISO 31000–Risk Management Principle and Guidelines |
Following the approved liaison between ISO 31000 and EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk (see news entry), a discussion between the iNTeg-Risk Project Coordinator and the CEO of EU-VRi, A. Jovanovic, and the Moderator of the LinkedIn ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard Group, A. Dali, took place. One of the main results, so far, would be the involvement of the EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk partners into the first global survey of ISO 31000–Risk Management Principle and Guidelines set to kick off on the 17th of October this year.
Following the approved liaison between ISO 31000 and EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk (see news entry), a discussion between the iNTeg-Risk Project Coordinator and the CEO of EU-VRi, A. Jovanovic, and the Moderator of the LinkedIn ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard Group, A. Dali, took place.
One of the main results, so far, would be the involvement of the EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk partners into the first global survey of ISO 31000–Risk Management Principle and Guidelines set to kick off on the 17th of October this year. The aim of the survey is to gauge how ISO 31000 is perceived by risk practitioners across all sectors and to provide input for the preparation of the ISO 31004 guide, due out in 2013.
Members of more than 70 risk management associations around the world are invited to participate in the study which is being run through an initiative by the LinkedIn discussion group on ISO 31000. Issued in November 2009, ISO 31000 provides principles and generic guidelines on risk management. It can be used by any public, private or community enterprise, association, group or individual and is not specific to any industry or sector. "This is the first time the global risk management community active across all fields, sectors, industries and services is being invited to participate in an international survey on ISO 31000. It is a great opportunity to share your thoughts and concerns about the ISO standard on risk management" said Alex Dali.
The survey will run from
Oct. 17, 2011 to Nov. 30, 2011. (extended deadline)
You will be encouraged to participate through EU-VRi/iNTeg-Risk sites or the LinkedIn group. You can join the discussion forum preparing the survey at: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=1834592.
We encourage your participation and will gladly support it. |
18 Oct 2011 |
EUROPEAN COMMISSION - PRESS RELEASE - What is a nanomaterial? |
What is a nanomaterial? European Commission brings a common definition of a nanomaterial, the definition will be now applied in all EU-VRi/R-tech projects dealing with nanotechnology (iNTeg-Risk, MUST, PARTICOAT, Nanodevice…)
What is a "nanomaterial"? European Commission breaks new ground with a common definition
Brussels, 18 October 2011 – "Nanomaterials" are materials whose main constituents have a dimension of between 1 and 100 billionth of a metre, according to a recommendation adopted by the European Commission today. The announcement marks an important step towards greater protection for citizens, clearly defining which materials need special treatment in specific legislation.
European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: "I am happy to say that the EU is the first to come forward with a cross-cutting designation of nanomaterials to be used for all regulatory purposes. We have come up with a solid definition based on scientific input and a broad consultation. Industry needs a clear coherent regulatory framework in this important economic sector, and consumers deserve accurate information about these substances. It is an important step towards addressing any possible risks for the environment and human health, while ensuring that this new technology can live up to its potential."
Nanomaterials are already being used in hundreds of applications and consumer products ranging from toothpaste to batteries, paints and clothing. Developing these innovative substances is an important driver for European competitiveness, and they have significant potential for progress in areas like medicine, environmental protection and energy efficiency. But as uncertainties remain about the risks they pose, a clear definition is needed to ensure that the appropriate chemical safety rules apply. The definition will help all stakeholders including industry associations, as it brings coherence to the variety of definitions that are currently in use in different sectors. The definition will be reviewed in 2014 in the light of technical and scientific progress.
The recommendation also delivers on a commitment made in 2009 to the European Parliament to issue a single definition that is broadly applicable to all EU legislation concerned by nanomaterials.
The definition adopted today is based on an approach considering the size of the constituent particles of a material, rather than hazard or risk. The wording describes a nanomaterial as "a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm – 100 nm."
The definition is based on scientific advice from the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). A draft version of the definition was subject to a public consultation.
Nanomaterials are currently governed by a variety of legislative instruments at EU and national level. However, definitions have been developed on a case-by-case basis and vary across sectors, creating unnecessary burdens for industry and hampering public debate about risks and benefits of these substances. This recommendation gives EU legislators a legal reference for nanomaterials, when adopting new or implementing existing legislation.
The experience of the first registration deadline (30 November 2010) under REACH, the EU's overarching chemicals policy, showed that companies needed more clarity about their obligations with regard to nanomaterials. REACH has a key role to play in generating information about the properties of nanomaterials as chemical substances. With the adopted definition it will be easier for companies to assess their registration dossiers and determine exactly when they should consider their products as nanomaterials.
Further information: