The Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) is a registered non-profit association and by agreement with the German government is representing German interests in European and International standardization. It offers stakeholders a platform for the development of standards as a service to industry, the state and society as a whole. DIN has been based in Berlin since 1917. DIN's primary task is to work closely with its stakeholders to develop consensus-based standards that meet market requirements. Some 26,000 experts contribute their skills and experience to the standardization process. DIN activities include the preparation of standards on national, European and International level as well as the management of standardization processes on national (DIN), European (CEN) and International (ISO) level. Concerning Nanotechnologies DIN is already actively participating in standardization related to nanotechnology within CEN/TC 352 "Nanotechnologies", ISO/TC 229 "Nanotechnologies" and ISO/TC 202 "Micro beam analysis" in leading several projects. Further DIN is administrating research projects linked to standardization being mostly pre-normative and DIN is involved in the FP7 NanoValid project.